Thursday, October 15, 2015

Stepping through the Door

Just when you think the story can't get any crazier, it usually does! We have kept tabs on "V". Almost monthly, we have called his friend who graciously cares for him when he is not in the orphanage and checked in to see their needs. Over 6 months back we broached the subject of taking supplies to his orphanage. From his time here, we knew the conditions and while they try their best, so much is needed. The last director was closed to allowing in anyone to bring things to the kids. However, the new director is extremely welcoming and has even given us a list of things desperately needed.
----Shoes, hygiene items (toothbrush, soap etc..), toys, exercise equipment, socks

Between 2 churches we have collected 140 of the 200 shoes needed. These are rubber slide in shoes that can be worn in the shower room. Also, a company has donated ALL of the socks needed. Two dentists have donated the toothbrushes. A group of wonderful ladies are working on sensory blanket squares. It truly has been amazing and humbling to watch the Body of Christ at work. "V" helped so many eyes open to the reality of living without parents!

So, in December, our family plus a wonderful friend (who just happens to be Ukrainian) will travel to Ukraine and deliver these gifts, attempt to forge new relationships and friendships and pour out Jesus' love to some very special children.We so appreciate your prayers as we have an "agenda" and itenerary but we truly want the Lord to guide our steps and complete what He wants completed.

If you feel lead to donate on our Youcaring site (See button on sidebar), the money will be used for hygiene items, supplies for a party for the kids, soap, toilet paper, toys etc. Above all PLEASE pray for us. We need wisdom, strength and stamina to complete the work he has set before us. Thank you!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

September Slipped by...

Playing "Mr. Rogers Neighbhorhood"

Recreating Pres. George Bush's Speech at the site of the Twin Towers 

We watched a Mosquito go from a larvae to an adult! Homeschool lesson!

 September is gone! Not sure where it went but it was lovely! We hiked Raven Rock State Park and had a wonderful time together. We never tire of seeing what God created.

Thursday, September 3, 2015


First Day of School & First Cub Scout Meeting for Noah as a Bear! My babies are growing up. :(

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Ships, Trips & "See you Sunday"

Miles can separate but they are friends for life

Spanish Galeon Ship

August has FLOWN. I cannot believe we are now facing starting school again and heading in fall! (I happen to love fall so that makes me happy) :)  We just took an impromptu trip to the beach to see a Spanish Galleon Ship that had docked for 10 days. The line was long and it was hot but we got to board it and tour it. The kids loved it and it was well worth the time. Then we headed to the beach for a few hours. As you can see by the photos they went screaming into the water as fast as they could. No sharks were sighted but a lot of fun was had. We finished the trip by having a wonderful seafood dinner but having our car break down and having my parents come pick us up all the way at the beach! It was a long but fun day.

As to the "See you Sunday" part of the post.... We have some dear friends that were here resting up and visiting for a few months. The kids all really bonded this time and they are greatly missed! We have always said to them that we don't say "goodbye". We say "See you Sunday" because hopefully, eventually that will be true again. Strangely it helps but we still miss them. They are not forgotten!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

The "Rock House"

Years ago, when I was very young, an important part of my childhood memories include a little "Rock House" out in the woods near the family farm. This was before video and computer games and we used our imagination and could play for hours in this little grove made up of rocks that looked like furniture in a house. We had a refrigerator, couch, TV, beds, chairs and even a piano!! I am so happy to still have access to the farm and this special place. My kids have seen it but I didn't know if they remembered it. Yesterday, we were able to go through the woods and find it. They loved "seeing" each thing I remember "seeing" in the rocks. Of course, the piano was the biggest hit. So thankful for little, happy memories.

Laurel and her doll "Sarah" playing the "piano"

Noah hanging out reading on the "Couch"

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Summer Camps!

Shew!! We have had a busy week. The kids both wanted to do a summer camp so first thing in the mornings, Noah did Lacrosse Camp. He absolutely loves it and will continue in a mini league for the next 3 weeks. After his camp we would head over to Aunt Rach's house and she would do a horse camp for Laurel. She got to ride 2 different horses and learned how to ride independently. It brought back memories of all the summer horse camps we used to teach and Laurel loved it! 

In other news, the little boy "D" that we were planning to host this summer was not able to come.
 :(  It had to do with paperwork not being signed and some complicated matters but we are at peace with it. God knows all the ins and outs that we do not. 

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Cowboys, Indians & a Little Biking Adventure

Our View from the Mountain House

Tweetsie Railroad

Cousins..... AKA Thugs

Duncan didn't want to watch but Gunner was all for it

Riding the train makes me sleepy

Wish I had one of these at home :0

Getting Ready to take Tweetsie by storm
I almost  threw up

 A good old fashioned Cowboy & Indian fight
Ready to ride the Virginia Creeper Trail

Not part of the trail but he took a detour :)

Go Nana!

After the trail.....NASTY

We are in the throws of summer here. HOT HOT HOT. So, both our families got together and rented a house in the Mountains where it truly is 10 to 15 degrees cooler. Our Mountain house was beautiful and the highest point in the area..... but the catch was the driveway. It rivaled anything we had ever seen. You literally took your life into your hands to try and drive up it. I may be exaggerating a little, but only a little :) However, in this family our men are brave (good thing because us women are chickens) and we made it up and down safely.

First stop was Tweetsie Railroad! I remember going as a small child and completely being terrified at the Cowboy & Indian fight and the result was my sister and I finishing the ride underneath the train seats, black with soot. We figured it was high time our children shared in this joy.... it's kind of a right of passage. We were disappointed however that the Cowboy & Indian show is now pretty tame and family friendly and even comical. Oh well.... we have the memories. In spite of this however, Tweetsie Railroad is my most favorite family friendly park (besides Disney World of course). The place is clean, not crowded, no lines and *gasp* the park workers are so friendly! In fact, we had been 4 years ago and saw  many of the same workers still working cheerfully. It is small enough that you don't die from all the walking but large enough you don't feel hemmed in. We just love this place and so did the kids.

The next day we went to ride the Virginia Creeper Trail. It is a 34 mile downhill bike ride that started as an Indian path & was travelled by Daniel Boone and later turned into a railroad. Then it was turned into a bike,walk, horse path. We just rode the 17 mile trip (saved the full 34 for another time) from White Top to Damascus. If you have never done it you are in for a treat and I highly recommend it (when it's not raining). It is downhill through the most beautiful country you have ever seen, right down the mountain. We were having a lovely time until about mile 6 when the bottom fell out and in monsooned on us. I mean a blinding, driving rain where you could see nothing. There was no shelter or cell service so you just keep riding, until I hit a bridge but I recovered nicely. After the rain passed, we then rode the last 10 miles in mud. Ever ridden a bike behind someone in the mud? Try it, it's quite the experience! All I can say is that my family are troopers! Yes, we whined & complained but we were so excited to have accomplished something. It took us 3 hours and I wouldn't trade the memories for the world. I will however look at the weather and take rain gear next time.

The last day we woke up liesurly (ok we were sore from the ride) and we went to Mystery Hill where your gravity is all thrown off and water flows up hill and a ball will roll uphill. I kid you not. Look it up.

We had a blast. We are exhausted but very blessed to have wonderful family and live so close to so many things!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Support Laurel's Lion

Laurel won an art contest! 50% of the proceeds from the sales go to, the organization that helped us find her and bring her home! This only runs June 1st through June 14th!Just go to and pick her picture. You can order hats, shirts & bags with her AWESOME LION on it. And it's for a great cause! Thanks so much! She is so excited!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Easter Blessings..

Easter is such a bittersweet holiday for me. In 3 days you go from sadness and mourning to extreme joy and thankfulness. Perhaps its just me getting older or perhaps it is closeness of my heavenly Father during this time that makes me so reflective. Easter is quickly becoming my favorite celebration.
We have many little traditions we do to help the kids remember what Easter is truly about and we do some fun, silly traditions that I did as a kid. However, I want them to remember it is about New Birth. It is about a debt that we owed and could not pay, being payed for us.....willingly. 

This year we had Easter celebrations with both sides of the family. We also added something new on Easter Sunday. After church, we went to a nursing home where our church speaks and ministers frequently, and we were so blessed to be able to worship with these elderly saints. We sang 'Amazing Grace, The Old Rugged Cross and Because He Lives". To see them in the state that their bodies are in now looking forward to a day where there will be no more pain and tears was simply beautiful. It's an Easter tradition I would love to continue.


May you know the Peace Jesus can bring.