Get pulled around the yard on a plastic horse
Chew on a Hairbrush
Pull off the toilet paper and then eat it!
Just look at all the fun things to do around the house! If you get the urge, come on over and maybe Mike will pull you around the yard on the blue plastic horse.
I'll be right over...let me finish my toilet paper first...
Soap tastes better than toilet paper.
What a GREAT idea, tying a rope around the horse! WE have a seesaw that is part of the same collection as your horse- I may have to find a rope for the next "bad" day the kids have. I'm always looking for new ways to break the tension:)
Kids only need two toys: a stick and a piece of rope. The problem usually comes when you have more than one kid in the mix and then the sticks become whackin' bats and the ropes turn into collars for playing master and pet.
Yes, the kids love to strangle each other while playing "pet." Brandon and Connor both love to be dogs, though. As for the sticks, anything longer than an arm and thin will do it. The boys have used fairy wands, vacuum attachments, coke bottles, etc.
I'm calling someone. And this time it's not Social Services.
The vacuum attachments, I think, are the best toys - at least according to Aiden. Every time I pull out the vacuum he swipes the attachments and runs around the house protecting all of us from the vicious "dwagons." :P
hehe, cats and kids - who could want anything more?
someone who has BOTH cats and kids...
I'd like a housekeeper.
I second that, Lydia!!
Yes indeed, in some moments I can reveal that I approve of with you, but you may be making allowance for other options.
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