Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Years and Dead Possum

HAPPY NEW YEARS to all my blogger friends!! It has been a long time since an update so I'll do my best. Christmas was great (lots of them). The kids had a blast! One of the highlights was going on a lantern lit trek to a barn to hear the Christmas story and see a "baby Jesus" in a manger. Something I'll never forget!
I've been thinking on those dreaded New Year's Resolutions and I really don't dread them so much. If you are up for it, I'll share a few with you.
1.) To order and scrapbook all of Laurel's photos and our trip to Ukraine
2.) To have at least 1 person/couple/family over each month that we want to get to know better.
3.) To start having family devotions & praise time together every night
These are just a few but I acutally look forward to doing these things. I know I'll only be able to accomplish them with the Lord's help and I'm eager to get started!
Oh, I almost forgot. I'll now explain the dead possum' thing. We were at my Grandmother's yesterday and exploring the barns. We stumbled upon a dead (obviously), petrified possum that Rach just HAD to pick up. I'm pretty sure Noah is scarred for life.!


Carroll said...

The picture of Rach and the possum almost made my drink come through my nose! I'm blowing that up for her wedding reception...

Kevin and Monica said...

The poor possum! So sad! Love all the updates, Martha. I especially like resolution #2! Hope to see you guys this weekend at Connor's party!

michaelandcourtney said...

Oh Martha! I just had to comment on this post. First, the possum pic! That's just disgusting!
Second, where did Noah get that wonderful football jersey he is wearing? GO GATORS!
I'm glad you all had a nice Christmas! Hope to see you soon!

Lydia said...

I hope that possum wasn't infected with something.

You just reminded me that I also need to scrapbook our trip to Ukraine for Mira. Ugh....I hate scrapbooking.

Burke said...

Tim Tepow! ahhahaha

babyarnie said...

LOVE all the comments. CJ, Mike's Dad ordered the jersey for Noah b/c he loves Tim Tebow (Tepow) as Noah calls him. He and Mike watched the game in their jersey's together. It was too cute. :)

And Lyds...... after Rach picked up that possum she said, "Ya don't reckon it's got a disease do you?" :)

Anonymous said...

That opossum was not playing possum for sure.
May God Bless You and Happy New Year!

Julie Ferwerda said...

I wondered if you might be interested in participating in a blog tour for a newly released inspirational book for Christian parents. One Million Arrows: Raising Your Children to Change the World casts a vision for parents to see what's possible when they disciple their children and engage in the Great Commission as a family using God-given resources and talents. The book features many young people and families (including homeschooling families like the Harrises and the Tebows) who are currently changing the world for Christ. Ministry leaders like Josh McDowell, Dennis Rainey, Franklin Graham, Ron Luce, and many other recognized names have endorsed it.

One special feature of the book is that ALL profits benefit ORPHAN care and ministry worldwide. The message emphasizes investment in orphaned children worldwide who are being raised and discipled to change their countries for Christ as well as adoption.

If you would like to participate, please email me at The blog tour is scheduled for early March and I will send you a free book if you want to participate. I will also offer completed book review text for the blog tour for your convenience.

Thanks so much for your consideration. Visit us at
Julie Ferwerda