A few months ago, after seeing her picture on my friend Nikki's blog (http://bringinghomezeke.blogspot.com), the Lord laid her on my heart and I felt I was to try to raise money to get her a set of hearing aids. God put the connections DIRECTLY in my path with the wonderful people who Laurel gets her hearing therapy through.
I admit I was skeptical when I asked for money for her. What if people didn't believe me or didn't even really care....she is thousands of miles away. BUT GOD. HE moved the hearts of His people. A day after the Chip In went up on my blog, a lady walked into the office of the wonderful lady who was helping me get the hearing aids and GAVE her an "extra" one her child didn't need anymore. BOOM, $600 already provided by God. Then in less than 2 days the extra money was raised for the other hearing aid. Not only that, my cousin, (shout out to Erin) just "happens" to be an Audiologist and programmed the new hearing aids to Ella's specific hearing loss. THEN as if all that wasn't enough, a lady from my church handed me some extra hearing aids and things that we needed to keep Ella's hearing aids working properly.
Oh... and one more thing... my other cousin Miranda got me in touch with a girl who works at a hearing aid battery company and got Ella 1 WHOLE YEAR of batteries for FREE!!
You tell me that God doesn't believe in defending the cause of the orphan. So, now church, pray that she gets registered for Inter Country Adoption so she will be allowed to feel the love of a family and get the hearing therapy she needs!!
And..... just so you don't forget....This little boy is registered for adoption. He is 5 and has mild CP and desperately needs a family to see his potential. How wonderful it would be if this little boy's adoption account could have a large amount of money so as to help a family with the $25,000 adoption expenses!! Adoption is costly, it's hard but it is buying back a life! Please someone see this little boy's potential. For more information on "Kurt" go to www.reecesrainbow.org. ****THANK YOU TO WHOEVER HAS DONATED TO HIM SO FAR**** His account has risen over $100!! Here is his Paypal link through ReecesRainbow. All donations are tax deductable. Donate Here for Kurt: https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_flow&SESSION=d0_29utYyaXMcE13N_NcQYh7PEeRu1K-E8KjsE7QKX_h_y9ACGrtoZCl7JC&dispatch=5885d80a13c0db1f8e263663d3faee8d569c51c61ce57e9125f793ea33988004
Amen and Amen!
Hi, I just found your blog by following your signature from Julia's post today. Did you know that Kurt is being featured in a giveaway for Lent? If not, go here ---
He was featured a couple of days ago.
Ahhhhh! How awesome. Thank u. I will check it out.
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