Monday, February 19, 2007


These pictures make me miss the Summer!! I can't wait for warm weather and being able to be outside playing. It's not too much longer till the beach!! Well, at least Noah will be styling and profiling' in his fancy shades. Oh and for the record to everyone who thinks I dress him like a girl.... Yes, his outfit has a big fluffy bear on it that says I love you and it has bears on the feet!! ;)


Elizabeth said...

see now you miss Summer too...I am not alone now! Lydia likes fall...=D

Richpo the Unmagnificent said...

#1 If it has a "fluffy" anything on it then it's too girly

#2 If it says "I love you" on it then it's probably too girly (this is definitely a "sitting on the fence" item - given Noah's age - that could go either way but the whole "fluffy" thing REALLY has to go).

#3 Cool shades. Most definitely raises his masculinity index. Has kind of a "Risky Business" look that I'm sure you were going for...

Now get that boy back into the camouflage or, at the very least, that hideous NC State outfit

Lydia said...

Hey, Liz- guess what? I'm kinda ready for summer (gasp!) :)

Carroll said...

NO! All of you stop wishing for summer right now! Let's enjoy this cold weather...there's still time for snow!

...and Noah's cute.

...and I'm ignoring Richpo. Can't trust those IBMers...

Richpo the Unmagnificent said...

Except for the winter heating bills and the runny noses of my wife's children, I agree, summer will be here soon enough. There is a time for everything (except wearing hideous NC State apparel ;-)

Richpo, "IBMer and rabid Buffalo Chicken Wrap-er"!

Carroll said...

mmm....Buffalo Chicken Wrap...the only good reason to drive to RTP...

Rachael said...

He looks like Grandma with her cataract glasses on.

Lydia said...

Hey, Carroll- I made the buff wraps at home. DELISH!!!!

babyarnie said...

Ha!! I remember those cataract glasses. Maybe hannah can get us a few\ pairs.

Carroll said...

wait wait made BCW's and didn't call me?!? And to think...I have those striped pants out to bring you...

Lydia said...

Oh, no you didn't just try to blackmail me...

Lydia said...

Bring the jailbird pants to me and I will make you BCWs at the beach.

Lydia said...

Cross my heart.

Carroll said...

done. I like mine with ranch dressing.

Elizabeth said...

yeah you people want summer too!