**** ********************2 MONTHS OLD*******************************

**************************8 MONTHS OLD*************************************
The top 2 pictures are of Noah 2 months old . The last 3 are of him this past weekend. Look how my little boy is growing up! I can't stand it. Any suggestions on keeping him little??
put a brick on his head
Actually, Marth, my first thought when looking at those is that he hasn't changed that much, at least from that angle. When you see him from a different angle, he looks older, but straight on, I think he still looks like the little baby he started out as. He's so cute!
It's too hard to keep them, little, though, even if it would be fun.
Suggestion #2: Put him in a glass jar. Don't forget to poke holes in the lid.
He's definitely losing his baby fat:) Wish they could stay little, although not at the terrible two stage!
pray that he has dwarfism and check your family tree
I agree with J or B actually, they are cute but very hard little. Especially when they learn to throw fits. :) (we are SO there)
Your baby is naked.....I'm calling someone.
Marth, I totally know what you're saying. It's funny how the word "No" can make Steven cry, even if he's not doing what you're telling him not to yet. He'll be crawling toward the computer and I'll say "Nyet!" and he starts to cry and fuss, even though he wasn't even playing with it, so it's not like I stopped him from any fun he was having. He does know what it means, though, and usually responds and stops - it's just that he pitches a fit while doing it. Someone needs to invent an automatic attitude adjustment that you could just download into their little heads.
He's too cute! They grow up way to fast. I've been trying to get Tristan to stay little because he's so sweet, but it obviously isn't working too well based on his last weigh in. If you figure out any secrets to it, let me know. :P
...it's called a lollipop!
or get you sent to jail...
Martha, when you find out, let me know! He's so big! And I can't believe he's walking - he's HOW old now? Earnest only just really started and he's 13 months! Maybe it was all that time in the baby sling =)
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