Our family would like to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas! We hope in all the hustle and bustle of buying gifts that you remember the greatest gift of all that was given to us over 2,000 years ago in a little stable, God's son Jesus. Take a few moments out of your joyful Christmas morning and read the Christmas story in Luke 2, and have a wonderful Christmas!
Look at him. I keep waiting for him to cough and say, "Buy me last pape miss?"
"Open the gates and seize the day, don't be afraid and don't delay...no one can make us give our rights awa-ay, ARISE and seize the day!"
We need a Newsies movie night.
Noah is prostesting the comercialization of Christmas...or he's just hot.
He does that little cough all the time and I always say that line! Yes we do need a Newsie night!
New Years' Eve?
Are you trying to make him gay? Why? For the love, why a sweater vest? Oh the humanity!
Must be a mom thing. Steven has a full-body candy-cane suit that's the gayest thing you've ever seen. Makes Noah look like the Marlboro Man. Frightening. :)
Yea for the Newsies -- Katie and I used to watch it ALL the time in college!
Just wait till that little baby girl comes in your life..... talk about frilly things! :) And when else can I dress him EXACTLY like I want him ? He'll be grown and wearing holes in his jeans b/4 I know it.
By the way, I'm talking to Jess and Bobbie! :)
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