Little boys are hillarious! Noah has gotten in to so many things this past week and I can't help but laugh. His personality is DEFINATELY coming out and his sense of humor is a lot like his Daddy's. If it's possible, the older he gets the more I love him. :)
I haven't seen him in like - 2 days. I miss him terribly. I'm comming over and bringing the Nextel.
Riddle me this bat-dorks: why, in the very last frame of that video does it look like Mike's wearing an earring? Huh? Huh?! Do tell...
Richpo "Livin' La Vida Loca long before you young 'uns and all of your body piercings arrived on the scene" Wells
and by "Livin' La Vida Loca long before you young'uns and all of your body piercings arrived on the scene", he means "showing WAY too much chest hair at church on Sunday morning."
HAHAHA, I am DYING here, Carroll! I cannot believe you dared to say that. Oh, and I may have used the term "Eye Trap" this week within Rich's hearing.
I think, for the first time in the history of the internet, I can use the phrase "LOL" in a literal sense in response to that last comment. "Eye trap" - priceless! :)
Again, too cute. We miss you guys too. Hope to see you soon. :)
Earring?? What? Tatoo maybe but earring-unless it happened and I didn't know-no.
I can only imagine that Carroll wants me to wear a burqa to church but the rest of the time I'm free to wander around like Thomas Magnum. Is that about the gist of it, oh girl who dares to wear "that shirt" out in public when Mommy says you shouldn't? Hmmmmm?
Ohhh... I loved Magnum PI!
We are currently watching our way through Season One of Magnum. He's a floozie.
TM is NOT a floozy (that's the more accepted spelling and it typically refers to a female of the persuasion :-). TM can NOT help it if he occasionally gives a kiss to the throngs of beautiful women throwing themselves at him! I know exactly what he had to suffer through (in my pre-marriage days, of course ;-) These days I just make do with eye traps (old habits die hard) ...
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