Sunday, June 22, 2008


TREE HUGGER (kissing the tree)

I love that Noah loves the outdoors. He always stops to smell flowers and touch the tree bark. Not that I embrace the whole "save the world, it's falling apart" ideal but I do love that Noah loves God's beautiful outdoors. Speaking of outdoors, please pray for our church this week. We are having our annual Backyard Bible Clubs. Pray for all of the children, pray for great weather, pray for the parents!! Just Pray that God will be glorified and the children will accept them into their hearts.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


We've been trying to get back into a routine here at the farm. After a very busy 2 weeks and Noah battling a few viruses we spent lots of time this weekend playing in the wading pool, picking flowers in the garden and looking at bug moltings (and playing with it). All in all, a wonderful Father's day weekend. I love weekends at home.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Doesn't this kinda look like the lampost in Narnia? (humor me here)
Memorial Day party with everyone at Kathy & Larry's new outdoor oasis!
I'm so sorry it has taken so long to update this thing but Noah's look in the picture above says it all. "Whew, what a week!!". As a wonderful lady from our church spoke on the other night said, "life's comes at ya fast!". I had laid out my plans for this past week so carefully. I was keeping 2 toddlers for different ladies and it was all set. The Lord had different plans. Early Monday morning, Mike's aunt died very unexpectedly. We were all shocked and left to wonder why. But I can tell you that through all of the turmoil and tears, God was glorified. My wonderful mother took up the slack with the precious children (and my own), my church family showered the family with visits and food, wonderful questions were being asked and answered about Jesus, my pastor was able to preach Jesus to a room full of people and God was faithful. Thank you all for your prayers and support to the family in this trying time. God's words are so true "Come unto me all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest..."