Saturday, September 21, 2013

Budding Photographers??

The babies and I went on a nature walk a while back and I was trying to teach them a little about photography. Not that I know much but I would like them to enjoy it like I do! I enjoyed teaching them about centering objects and how to get the camera to focus on objects close up. They both had a blast and  took some pretty good photographs! The last 3 I found on my camera after Noah had it without me knowing. I was pleasantly surprised!! The last one may be the one he enters in the fair this year. Which one do you think he should enter? Laurel won't be entering one this year because she will be showing Rachael's horse Lilly...which she is SUPER excited about :)

1 comment:

JennyJohnson said...

Love them all! Really like the babies on the tractor and the goat framed by the fence wire. Great job, Noah and Laurel.