Friday, January 19, 2007


It is starting early here at the little red house. The indoctrination into a brotherhood. Here is Noah in his GI Joe outfit (courtesy of Nana & Poppy). He looks just like Mike (except without the Airborne tatoo) and it won't be long until he's outside playing war and pretending to blow things up. I think he'll have a lot of Grandparents and Aunts and Uncles and not to mention his Mama that will threaten his life if he looks the way of the Army. But for now, he has plenty of time to play war.


Anonymous said...

The last time I counted he has about 4 Civil War guns carved out of wood by his Daddy, 3 big play CW cannons in the top of the barn waiting for him, 3 large bows that belonged to his Grandaddy and Great Uncle when they were little, and his Grandaddy's big wooden sword from when he was a child. Noah's ready! (Well, if the enemy comes at him with something that wooden weapons and plastic bows can take.)
I remember the time his Daddy put on a Civil War re-enactment for some Church children and launched an Armada on the pond, shooting bottle rocket artillery at the "enemy" and set the bean field on fire. Noah's in for a lot of fun.
Granny Jen

Rachael said...

We also set one of the kids we were looking after's shirt on fire. But, don't tell his parents.

Anonymous said...

I didn't hear that part, but I do know that they camped out and had authentic, Civil War history fun. [Now maybe I'd better go check on how much insurance we have, just in case.] Jen

babyarnie said...

Ha! I remember that night. It was so much fun and we really did almost kill that child. Oh well, he had a BLAST!! And the bean field fire wasn't too huge.

Carroll said...

Hoo-ah! We need another good soldier - you know...if the Red Dawn scenario ever plays out...

Lydia said...

Too cute! And of course being a boy there will be lots of play fighting and cowboys/indians type games. I miss those days but not sure if I'm ready to go through them again! "Bringing Up Boys" by Dobson tells you to LET THEM, you are not going to create a violent kid by letting him play "war" and I totally believe it!

Joy said...

all I have to say is paintball. the boy had better be ready to play some paintball :-)

Anonymous said...

Yeah - I suppose that time of shooting guns must come into every young boys life. Just keep them away from grandmommy and granddaddy, Lydia - that's where Aiden learned to shoot a gun!! (We love you grandmommy and granddaddy!)

Carroll said...

Lydia - I don't believe you for one minute. Send Kimberly over here to play war Burt-style! ; )

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the tobacco sticks--he'll need a few of those to play Ninja Turtles! Perhaps he'll also use them to test the fields for quicksand. (Hopefully he won't get stuck up to his knees and lose one of his new shoes.)

Anonymous said...

Noah's Poppy is already having him a custom fishing rod made. So when he gets a little bigger he can go catch some fish with him at the Outer Banks.