Sunday, June 22, 2008


TREE HUGGER (kissing the tree)

I love that Noah loves the outdoors. He always stops to smell flowers and touch the tree bark. Not that I embrace the whole "save the world, it's falling apart" ideal but I do love that Noah loves God's beautiful outdoors. Speaking of outdoors, please pray for our church this week. We are having our annual Backyard Bible Clubs. Pray for all of the children, pray for great weather, pray for the parents!! Just Pray that God will be glorified and the children will accept them into their hearts.


kareng said...

Martha, we got to contact about half the residents. All were very hospitable. Praying they will attend. One even is interested in coming to church.

looks like it'll be hot, but maybe not so rainy!

thanks for all you do. I think it'll be a great week!

Rachael said...

Global warming is all hype Noah! But the flowers are beautiful. I love to sniff trees also.

83rocketscientist said...

How has your brain been doing so far this week Martha?? :D

Lydia said...

We do our BYBC next week. I hope we have a good showing! How has yours been so far?

Anonymous said...

Sorry Martha, there is only one Nature Boy and that is Ric Flair... WHOOOOOOOO!

babyarnie said...

It was GREAT!! We had the most help ever and 3 clubs and were able to minister to 60-65 children! Also, we were able to minster to about 8 mom's. Praise the Lord.