Tuesday, July 10, 2012

On my Mind...


Girl, born July 2004
Diagnosis: Pigmentation of skin
Danielle appears to be a very typical little girl, dealing with an unusual skin condition.   The condition appears to interfere with her hair growth as she has some alopecia as well.
A dermatologist looked at her pictures and file and believes her condition is just nevus. A plastic surgeon looked at her file and he said the area in and on the side of her mouth could easily be removed and should be removed as to not interfere with her eating.
Her phyical development is normal, as well as her language development. She enjoys talking with people she knows. She likes imaginary play, and playing with baby dolls. She is active, smiling, and likes watching TV.
Additional pictures available for serious inquiries.
$5.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption! 

This little girl was recently added to www.reecesrainbow.org. Isn't she beautiful? She sounds delightful and her "special need" is relatively small. She needs a family to help her reach her full potential. Are YOU that family? Go to www.reecesrainbow.org for more information. God bless! 

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