Saturday, January 7, 2012

Gorgeous Weather

When did we get wrinkles??????? Oh yeah... about 5 years ago- enter Noah
We enjoyed and absolutely GORGEOUS day today outside. 65 degrees in January is ridiculous and awesome! We hike at a state park and the kids did 2 miles with minimal whining! Rachael's had all her baby showers so she is officially "nesting" & ready for Duncan to "pop out"- as Laurel & Noah say. Yeah, we've had some interesting conversations about that :0

I have to share a funny Noahism that happened yesterday at the dinner table. He had been somewhat sassy & I said "Noah, don't talk back to me just say yes Ma'am." He asked what "talk back" meant and I told him. Then he said "Yes Ma'am Mommy. From now on I will talk forward and tell the truth!"
I about spit my drink out it was so funny. He was dead serious & it made us smile :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL..oh my..that is too funny. Sorry I missed you guys last weekend. Do y'all have any plans next weekend? Maybe we can have a cookout next weekend or the weekend after. Brian leave Feb. 5th now and will be gone until July. :(
I will be taking the kiddos to Tweetsie the weekend of April 13 when the open again. You and the kiddos want to make a weekend trip with us and go? :) Well I'll talk to you soon. Crystal :)